The Pastors weekly Sermons.
1. You are a witness, Luke 24_44-49 (7-25-21).mp3
2. Reminder, Acts 1_4-11 (8-1-21).mp3
3. Witness passed down, Acts 5_17-32 (8-8-21).mp3
4. Multiply, 2 Timothy 2_1-7 (8-15-21) (1).mp3
Trey Schur Sermon
20221030_TreySchur_John6.mp3 10/30/2022
20230115TreySchur_Titus3.mp3 01/16/2023
20230528_Trey Schur_Gal1-6.mp3 05/28/2023
06062023_TreySchur_1Cor15-33.mp3 06/04/2023
20230625_Trey Schur_Matt14.mp3 06/25/2023
20230723_TreySchur_Acts2.mp3 07/23/2023
20240107 Trey Schur_Hebrews 11.mp3 01/11/2024
08182024_TSchur.mp3 Dealing with Sin 08/18/2024
10042024_TSchur_1Peter11.mp3 10/06/2024
Worship-Trey Schur-Haggai 1.mp3 11/10/2024
20241117_TreySchur_1John4.mp3 11/17/2024
1_ Millenial Views, Revelation 20_1-10 (2-20-22).mp3
2_ Second Coming and Rapture, Zechariah 14_1-21 (2-27-22).mp3
3_ Rapture Positions, Romans 5_9 (3-6-22).mp3
4_ When will Jesus Return, Matthew 24_36-25_13 (3-13-22).mp3
5_ End Time Program, Daniel 9_24-27 (3-27-22).mp3
6_ Signs of the Times, Mark 13_1-30 (4-3-22).mp3
7_ End Time Events Part I, Revelation 6-7 (4-10-22).mp3
8_ End Times Events Part 2, Revelation 8-16 (4-24-22).mp3
Story of Jesus
1_ God Promises a Savior, Genesis 3_1-24 (11-27-22).mp3
2_ Sign of a Virgin, Isaiah 7_10-17 (12-4-22).mp3
3_ Birth in Bethlehem Foretold, Micah 5_2-4 (12-11-22).mp3
4_ Birth foretold to Mary, Luke 1_26-38 (12-18-22).mp3
5_ Dawn of a New King, Luke 2_1-16 (12-25-22).mp3
2_-Jonah-1_7-17-1-29-23.mp3 01/23/2023
Easter Sermons
John 18_1-9 (3-31-24) Sunrise Service.mp3
Sower Parables
1_ Path, Luke 8_11-12 (4-16-23).mp3
2_ Rocks, Luke 8_13 (4-23-23).mp3
3_ Thorns, Luke 8_14 (4-30-23).mp3
4_ Good Soil, Luke 8_15 (5-7-23).mp3
Psalm Series
10. Acts 2_32-39 (10-22-23).mp3
11. Acts 2_40-47 (10-29-23).mp3
13. Acts 3_11-26 (11-12-23).mp3
16. Acts 4_13-22 (12-10-23).mp3
17. Acts 4_23-31 (12-17-23).mp3
18. Acts 4_32-37 (12-31-23).mp3
20. Acts 5_12-16 (1-21-24).mp3
22. Acts 5_26-32 (2-11-24).mp3
23. Acts 5_33-42 (2-18-24).mp3
28. Acts 7_17-34 (3-24-24).mp3
29. Acts 7_35-39 (3-31-24).mp3
31. Acts 7_44-50 (4-14-24).mp3
32. Acts 7_51-60 (4-21-24).mp3
36. Acts 8_14-25 (5-26-24).mp3
40. Acts 9_20-25 (6-23-24).mp3
41. Acts 9_26-31 (6-30-24).mp3
43. Acts 9_36-43 (7-14-24).mp3
45. Acts 10_9-16 (8-11-24).mp3
46. Acts 10_17-23 (9-1-24).mp3
47. Acts 10_24-33 (9-8-24).mp3
48. Acts 10_34-35 (9-15-24).mp3
49. Acts 10_36-43 (9-22-24).mp3
50. Acts 10_44-48 (9-29-24).mp3
51. Acts 11_1-18 (10-13-24).mp3
52. Acts 11_19-26 (10-20-24).mp3
53. Acts 11_27-30 (10-27-24).mp3
55. Acts 12_3-11 (12-1-24).mp3
56. Acts 12_12-19 (12-8-24).mp3
57. Acts 12_20-24 (12-15-24).mp3
58. Acts 12_25-13_3 (12-29-24).mp3
59. Acts 13_4-8 (1-5-25) (1).mp3
60. Acts 13_9-12 (1-12-25).mp3
Being Still With God
Missions, John 20_19-23 (6-11-23).mp3
Mission Report, Matthew 28_16-20 (7-30-23).mp3
Romans 10_13-17 (7-28-24) Mission Report.mp3
Christmas 2024
Luke 2_1-11 (12-22-24) Merry Christmas.mp3
Thanksgiving 2024
1 Thessalonians 5_12-22 (11-24-24 ) Thanksgiving.mp3
Mothers Day 2024
John 16_16-22 (Mother's Day 5-12-24).mp3
Fathers Day 2023
Proverbs 22_6, 6-18-23, Fathers Day.mp3
Guest Pastor Messages
20221003_BWhitefield_2Cor5.mp3 Bobby Whitefield
Houses for Healing_BMassey.mp3 Houses For Healing
H07212024_JWells_Matt28.mp3 Jimmy Wells